the holo-clock ticks and rings
Vincent wishs that it was a dream
zweed: hurry up we are going to be late for the holo-car race today
vincent:go away zweeb the dweeb!!!
zweeb: you are so lucky you got a suitable name i only got a name that
sounds like a bee buzzing
Vincent: what about uneta she sounds like a motor gun shooting
zweeb:dont make fun of our 34 year old sister bro!!
Vincent:what about matthew and everyone called him a rug!!!
Zweeb: dont make fun of our great great great great great great great
great great great....
twenty minutes later:
Zweeb: ......great great great great great grandfarter who is very
famous today
Vincent: what about Eli who lived melleniums ago and everyone called
him 'egg head' 'cos he had a egg shaped head at the back of his head!!
Zweeb: he was the secound most greatest ansestor we ever had 'cos he
was good at acting!!
Vincent:well lets get to the race, its starting in 5 minutes!!!!
Vicent was sleeping