You are playing soccer with your freinds. Anthony, your best freind
suddenly says
"Hey, look at that castle!"
Obviuosly, you all look at the strange old castle that everyone
thinks is haunted. You all look back to see Anthony score a goal
against you.
"Hey! That's cheating" You shout to him "You distacted
Then suddenly you hear a strange and very loud sound coming from the
direction of the castle. You all look again. This time you see that
the castle is glowing light puple.
"Weird!" you say "Let's check it out!"
You all get on your bikes ang ride up.
Once you get there, you see that the castle door is opened. As far as
you know, it has never been opened before.
"Hey!" Calls Anthony "I dare you to go in there!"
"Okay!" You say "I'll go in in return for a
Anthony agrees so you walk nervously towards the door. As you get
close you see that the door actually leads to another out-door area
surrounded by a large, black wall. As you progress further, you get
very tired. Just as you step through the door, everything changes into
this strange path. It is what seems to be space and is coulored like a
rainbow. It seems to go forever in both directions. You decide to keep
on going forward. After what seems like an age you come to a strange
looking arch. You walk round the side of it and see that it is just
one way and has a wall at one end. But from the other end it looks
like a door into another, strange multicoloured world. You step
inside. There is a blinding light and then....