An engineer working under you called Hilexvont runs into the room.
"Sir! Sir!" He calls to you. He is obviuosly very worried
"Yes? What is it?" You reply slightly angry at being
"We have just had news of a NX48K power leakage in sectr 91U. I
think you should look. It's prettery serious." He says
You have worked in this sector before. It is kept in such perfect
condition that anything wrong with it is very wrong. it's never a few
cables snaping or a data overload. It is always something you do not
want to have to deal with. Oh well, you think, at least it might help
boost me to my next promotion.
It's only when you get there that you realise just how serious it is.
The main power tanks were somehow destroyed. The backup power tanks
are empty. You realise that at this rate we have about 1 hour before
we run out of energy. You quickly hit the emergency shut down and
everything like cleaner bots, data maintanence sytems, and all the
other stuff that you do not need that much is shut off. This has
bought you a few more hours but you know that you'll need more than
that. You radio to the captin and tell him to aim for the nearest
landing site then turn off all engines so that you can float in that
direction. He agrees but says we need to keep the emergency sheilds
and guns activated in case of attack. You think about your next
You are a twenty-year-old space traveller. The year is 2583 and you
are in a spaceship called 'Stexlin' which means 'Star Traveller' in an
ancient alien language. You are chief engineer on this ship after 5
years of hard work to earn this position. You didn't know it, but know
you are about to face the hardest challenge of your career. This is
where the story begins.