"Hey, big bro, did the meteor wake you up, too? The cops will be
there soon, so if you want to see it now is the time.
"Uhh, mom?" you ask, unsure if your mom will let you.
You are surprised when your mom answers you with a nod. "You
would still sneak out anyway even if I asked you not to go. So lets
just skip all that."
Tracy comes up behind you. "Here, you may want take this,"
she says, and hands you a baseball bat. It has a crack in it.
"There are all sorts of nasty creatures roaming around the main
path up the hill, where the meteor landed."
You are just about to walk out the door when all of a sudden Pokey,
your next-door neighbor and "friend" bursts through the
"Hey, Ness! Pikey, my brother, ran off and if I don't find him
soon, my parents will kill me! Will you help me find him?"
comes the annoying whiny voice of Pokey.
Your not surprised. Not only is Pokey very fat he is also extremely
lazy. He is always buggin' you to do stuff for him, things that him
and his tuft of blonde hair could do. But, you say yes, cause Pokey
won't leave until you agree.
As you step out the door, Pokey informs you that Pikey probably went
to the top of the hill to see the meteor. However, you can't go the
main way because Pokey is to scared of all the snakes, even if you are
When you finally reach the top of the hill, you see Pickey gazing at
the strange glow immiting from the meteor. He looks up at you.
"Oh, hi, big bro, hi, big bro's friend. Me and Pokey were going
to see the meteor, then Pokey chickened out. Sometimes I wonder who
the REAL big brother is," said Pickey, who was nicer and braver
than Pokey.
"Hey, do you hear that buzzing noise?" Pokey asks you, right
before you see a bee emerge from the meteour. It begins to speak.
"Alas, young Earthlings, my name is Buzz-Buzz, and a bee I
am....not. I am an alien to your planet, and come from ten years in
your future. In the future your world is conquered by Gigas, an evil
being who at the present time is on his way to Earth. I have come
back to tell you this so that the prophecy can come true. It says
that three boys and a girl will join together and defeat Gigas. I
believe you, no not you, Pokey, YOU are one of those boys."
"Me?" you say meekly. "How am I to save the
"I will give you this!" Buzz-Buzz said and handed over a
shiny, blue stone. "There are eight locations, eight that I know
of anyways, where you will hear a melody. You must record it in your
Sound Stone. Whe you reach Gigas, use the Sound Stone. The eight
points{I think} in which you received the melodys will channel and
multiply your power."
This was a little much for one boy, you see, but you take it quite
well. "Hey, can we take Pickey home now? BEFORE my parents get
home?" came Pokey's voice, kinda breaking the mood.
So you march back to Pokey's house, but before you get there a light
flashes and all of a sudden what appears to be a man in a spacesuit
"So,come back to make sure the prophecy comes alive, eh? Well,
Gigas will destroy you and the four humans!" with that it
"Lets go," is all Buzz-Buzz said.
When you reached Pokeys house, his parents already there. Pokey's dad
gave him a look that meant "Go down to your rooms, NOW"
Pokey and Pickey obeyed, and their mom started screaming.
"AAAAHHH!!!!" A dung beetle in my house!" she
screamed....at Buzz-Buzz. Then she swatted him. Devasted, you run
over to your fallen ally.
"Ohh....guess I was weaker then I thought. Ness...find the other
humans that are to become heros. I will not be able to make this
journey with you.........."
There is nothing you can do, so you go outside and let Buzz-Buzz to
die in peace. Almost miraculously, night becomes day. What do you
You are an average, baseball lovin' twelve year old, living in the
suburbs of the town of Onett. The night is quiet and you are
peacefully sleeping....
BAM!!! A loud noise wakes you from your quiet slumber. You decide you
want to check it out and you go downstairs to see your mom, and
sister, Tracy.