¸•Jedi Knight has been fighting to achieve the optimom goal, to destoy
•Sion started to attack.
•Master of Power is born
•Sion is banned
•MOP becomes stonger
•Splonge attacks
•Splonge reveals himself.
•Walter attacks!
•Walter reveals himself
•SCO is formed
•Cell, Vegeta, Nappa, & Raditz join SCO
•Andriod 17 and 18 run amuck!
•Cell, as we found out recently, is an android from the future(24
years lter he was formed!)
•I invent a way to multiply a power leval up to 100,000 times.
• Defeat Cell (Not achieve)
• Defeat Sion and SCO (not achieved
This is alist of happening and things we must do(The thing marked w/
(not achieved is what we must do).
Evil things have been known to hit the GTT here are a list of ting
that happened during my visits: