MOP:I am so P***ed! Luckaly for you guys I've found an alternitive, if
there wasn't one i would gocrazy and maybe crack the site(Cracking is
advanced hacking used to destroy a site).
MOP:"In these times, ones job is to protected thyself"
MOP:Thanks for listening to my words of pain friends, this is the end
of the Master of Power, until nextime, this is Mike, The Master of
Power, Signing off!
With that, MOP disapears out of sight and this is tHe end of the MOP
for now.
MOP:Ever since I started hacking the main HTML/JAVASCRIPT/CGI file I
did not find a tace to how I can fix this on my own, Shade knight, You
are gonna have to take my sword, its the only thing that can destroy
evil like Sion. I will be able to watch, but not to fight.