Borley Rectory
Where?:Essex,England,Near the stour river
history:Borley Rectory often reffered as the most haunted house in all
England.the site of The Rectory orriginally held a monastery and after
that it was owned by the Waldergravefamily, Who Occupied it for the
next 3 Centuries, In the late 1800s, A Decendant of the Waldergraves,
the reverend H.D.E. Bull, built a new Rectory on this site. It wasn't
Until after the new rectory was built that strange things started to
happen. The Rectory burned down In 1939 but People still Visit this
Haunted site today, hoping to see some ghosts.
things that go bump!:The Borley Rectory is Famous for its 'nun ghost'
who was Reported walled in a Room for falling In Love with a Monk.
over the years,people have also reported lots of polgest phemomena on
this site, too. a Naughty spirit even locked on of the Occupents In
the Bedroom, and at other times,threw them out of beds, Plus, there
where also Pebbles thrown at the window and Mysterious writing which
would Appear on the walls.
sorry, I will do some more later
and im changing back to Eli J. Boulton (because I keep forgeting If
the I is before the O or the O before the I!!)