The first guy is not interested. It turns out his original uniform
color was brown to begin with, and the dirt and grime doesn't bother
him much since the color has stayed the same. The others are more
They all want uniforms in the Gothic style, and lucky them, you just
happen to have nine uniforms in the Gothic style in your back pocket.
You pull them out. They aren't coated in dirt and grime, but they
still stink. Honestly, what do you keep in your back pocket? Oh well,
it's time to fleece these suckers.
Sell the uniforms to them for $125.99 each. They don't have U.S.
currency, so they'll pay in gold coins, which fetch an insane market
price these days, but don't tell them that. Tell them that it's not
enough, and you'll need them to give you their helmets and pants as
well to make up for the extra costs.
Wow, they actually gave them to you, what idiots. Quickly, before they
discover that the uniforms you just sold them were cheap crap, you run
As you continue to pursue these soldiers, you notice that their
uniforms are not actually brown. They appear to be brown, but only
because they are caked with several layers of dirt and grime. Also,
they smell terrible. The soldiers could probably use some new clothes.
You approach them and attempt to sell them some.