I came from talk city, i have came here because I noticed my arch
rival was hanging out here, the Master of Power, And when I came i was
amazed, 17, 18, 21, & 23 where here at first I thought 21 & 23
were androids but 21 was you and 23 was INTJ, I desided to look into
ths site's hystery, to see how long MOP was on this site, He was only
here for a year! I am amazed at the 1 year thing, I thouht maybe here
was here longer, but when I looked farther back, I notice ppl w/ name
like: PokeMan, Jedi Knight, Sillybean and others had the SAME
PERSONALITY AS MOP!!!! I thought now that my rivel has been here for
3-5 years, he was hiding her since before the 'Great DBZ Fighters
Game" creation by Yajorobe! Then after the 'Great Crises' game
crash, we have been looking for an alternative. MOP found one at
geocities/freiza_44 I went on� me and MOP where training hard in that
game, we became te stongest! We were the Game Gods, Powerful &
fast! We became staff members, then I sabitoshed the game and jumped
MOP he ran & I was searching for him ever since�"
"But I finaly found MOP, but he ran away