You slowly crunch your way through the crispy fall
leaves. As you walk towards the door, you see that it is opened a
crack. Then, something glimmers through the little sunlight that ever
gets past the trees. It's Barbara's bike!
You enter the house. It really smells, and there are cob webs
Thump thump thump! Aaaaaahhhh! Swooshshsh! Crash!
"Barbara!" You scream, only to have your echo answer you.
"Barbaraarbaraarbara" It slowly fades.
"Who's there?" A voice scares you half to death.
"Where's Barbara?" You surprise yourself with your bravery.
"Do you mean the little girl? Let me introducee myself. I'm David
Lewis. Twenty years ago, I wanted to explorethis house, just like you
and your friend. I found out the hard way that it was haunted.The
ghost took my soul. He told me all I needed to know about surviving
and taking another soul."
"No.NO!!!" You realize what just happened.
"I'm sorry. I must survive,too. Don't worry, I told your friend
what to do."
"Alisonnn." A weak voice calls you, sending a shiver up your
spine. You look just past the guy to see your friend lying on her
stomach going down the stairs without doing anything.
"Let me have you soul!!"
Fwoosh! Goes your bike.