Grand Testing Tale -- page 8582
Even more old posts
- [back] -
- [Jason's Ship] -
- [Whats The Mystery Pokemon] -
- [The Power of Time & Demention Travel] -
- [You tap the screen.] -
- [I Hope This Works!!!] -
- [Master of Power] -
- [I need fan fics for my sight!] -
- [You decide to dive in after Daniel] -
- [ �cary �tory, �eware ���] -
- [addokin] -
- [Jun�ie a��e� �u�ne�] -
- [You click on daniel as he dives in.] -
- [Become a Dragon] -
- [The Dragon] -
- [Well, this is weird (To Mike)] -
- [the lost temple] -
- [YAHOO!] -
- [Your garden is overgrown and your cucumbers are soft] -
- [mewtwo,here only bubbling with rage and causing havoc in a nearby city.] -
- [i luv beano comics!!!] -
- [Pokemon Survivor: Outwit, Outplay, Outcatch!] -
- [A grand entrance] -
- [the very cool adventures of YOU] -
- [Staylongers Halfwit half dead half baked] -
- [Everybosy Down] -
- [Mike gets a voice changer thingie�] -
- [Hey lets Play a game] -
- [warning:dont go in here you are to chicken] -
- [All about myself...] -
- [chat] -
- [The movie... The Storm...] -
- [here we go] -
- [Eli's ship] -
- [The Soul and the sword] -
- [~~( )�>] -
- [The Soul and claw] -
- [I think I know who sion is�] -
- [Britney Spears ] -
- [To everyone ] -
- [intj come back!] -
- [Mike gets So Mad] -
- [Note to everyone] -
- [Everyone... click here] -
- [Everyone... click here] -
- [Listen to my new song.] -
- [Journal...] -
- [The extreamly strange day] -
- [The choice...] -
- [to here] -
- [sion please........] -
- [then planet Eli (and it is prononced Ely)] -
- [the planet for JERKS] -
- [ARGH!] -
- [I'mloosing my Powers, too] -
- [The Attack of the Monkeys!!!!!(Mua haaa haa ha!!)] -
- [Joke of the day!] -
- [Shark attack?] -
- [Write your worst days ever here and I'll grade them, and please do] -
- [Whoa!!] -
- [Help Needed] -
- [Question of the Day!] -
- [Text-based Web-pages] -
- [its HOPLESS!!!] -
- [Ashleys' web page...] -
- [Your life before the life you live today�] -
- [Mike :-)] -
- [Question of the day!] -
- [hello] -
- [Question of The Day.] -
- [questins of the week:] -
- [Say Christmas!] -
- [Thunder flashes and a screem can be heard� The lost powers have been found!] -
- [Say wiplash] -
- [What School is like for me�] -
- [Question of the day!!] -
- [anyone want to challange the mighty mop?] -
- [Question�] -
- [Question of the day!] -
- [My personality on this site!] -
- [My personality on this site!] -
- [Ashly here yo go the next page has your life before!] -
- [Kathrine, I got a question for you] -
- [The funniest t-c on earth(Text Cartoon)] -
- [Mike & Katherine click here please...] -
- [Thanx Katherine] -
- [question of the day!] -
- [The Tsunortalexiaq Crystals] -
- [I sure hope I wasnt gone too long.....] -
- [I can tell nothing much has been happening,] -
- [I'll get pg. 7000!!!!] -
- [Mike] -
- [Question of the day] -
- [the really dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMB bunnie] -
- [it was my mums birfdey 3 deys ago] -
- [little fairys come to play] -
- [fairy fairys fairy i luv fairys!] -
- [im a singer] -
- [the INTJ story] -
- [tick if you hate sion shearer] -
- [THATS IT] -
- [Meen wile at curser bay�] -
- [everyone there are two people to curse us of the site.......] -
- [Alright Men and women!] -
- [Victory] -
- [I'm back!] -
- [......] -
- [yo sion ] -
- [hey pika man remember me?] -
- [yahoo! it says that someone is ofically baned from the never ending tale!(and its sion shearer!)] -
- [OH NO!] -
- [Well now�] -
- [We are out numbered!] -
- [Here we come�] -
- [Everybody is gone the stupid jerks are gone!] -
- [only 7 more days 'till the olimpics] -
- [the mission to stop all the cursors to the end of them!] -
- [I guess my work is done�] -
- [I'm leaving for good, too�] -
- [What?] -
- [Am so confused] -
- [Top Story of the day!] -
- [I can't take this�] -
- [Tale Idea-The Video Game Adventure] -
- [Nintendo] -
- [Hey] -
- [Thanx] -
- [Atention!] -
- [:-)] -
- [ ] -
- [hi its Daniel here!] -
- [Battle supreme!] -
- [pokemon] -
- [Ha!] -
- [the olympics have started 5 minutes ago!] -
- [the road to viva ree] -
- [Warning�] -
- [the Quest!] -
- [Your 3 wishes] -
- [Britney Concert!] -
- [man of the pika has a few questions] -
- [Got a question to ask�] -
- [The Tale of Grndall] -
- [Mike] -
- [The fight for our lives begins tomaro morning at 7:30!] -
- [Attention Mike, man of the pika, Kathrine B., Lady Odd, and all the Pokemon Survivor Fans] -
- [the porthole opens�] -
- [Mike & Kath] -
- [Kathrine�] -
- [the road to elda farto ra do] -
- [highkdfjdshidufgdfjupfdvhjsdflsuinjkdflhthesdjlfalljfhsairldsfj. can you find the hidden words????] -
- [Can you find the words in this word search(Move over Eli, let a pro show you a word search)] -
- [Question Of the Day] -
- [only do this stuff here (e.g. Sion: virgo bum!!!!!)] -
- [okay COOL] -
- [click here to join acme] -
- [What A Day!] -
- [this happened the same time when the story 'the porth hole opens' started] -
- [WEB PAGES!] -
- ["The Scariest Story Ever"] -
- [The Jedi Master enters the fight!] -
- [the cellange!!!!] -
- [place for idiots (like sion shearer)] -
- [Pok�mon] -
- [Sion gets a big bad goldfish] -
- [What a dream!] -
- [Does this work?] -
- [Jedi Master makes another Appearence!] -
- [**$%^$^&{}/<>] -
- [Jedi Master's Adventure] -
- [Poo'emon] -
- [the green green green bean] -
- [Sion you never going to get me!!! (Eli did the finger!)ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ] -
- [Vicent's ship...the world in the year 6009 ] -
- [Hey� Um guys!] -
- [HELLO] -
- [The Path of Magic] -
- [Eli makes a story 'cos he did something bad in here once......] -
- [Space Challenge.] -
- [Jedi Master begins another adventure] -
- [*Special Message*] -
- [even if i made that mesaagei said to sion with ' foul lagauge ' it dosnt mean im him!!!!!!] -
- [your bunnie rabbit...... named hershel hopper] -
- [This is just plain AHHHHHHHH!] -
- [sign laugauge on the net] -
- [when i took a quiz on what disney hero am I,I was buzz lightyear!!!!!!!] -
- [*Super Bad Special Message!*] -
- [General MOP takes the stand once again] -
- [We shall take the pathetic sion 0out of are lives] -
- [Tyrants: Sion agenst MOP and Eli] -
- [HI] -
- [a new curser!!!] -
- [Eli is really dumb!!!] -
- [hey!!!!!! MOP!!!!!!!!!] -
- [Here it is! The game Monachy] -
- [files on some well known users] -
- [Guild Kingdoms] -
- [Earthbound] -
- [To Eli and MOP] -
- [on second tought�] -
- [Splodge come's] -
- [I'm reporting splodge�] -
- [no one's goin' to guess who i really am!!!] -
- [jaaaacktop!! wear decise!!! jaaaacktop !!! and wear a discise!!! jjjjaaaccckkkktop!!! du du de do!!] -
- [Splodge the Goblin] -
- [the dumb thing!!] -
- [everyone go in here] -
- [yes!! cursed the first person off the site!!!!!] -
- [Watch Charmander eat a scone] -
- [YEAH!!] -
- [Eli J. Boulton is now known as: calamity Eli!!!] -
- [another curser!!!] -
- [To everybody especially Intj(or summer) from man of the pika] -
- [HEY GUYS! (for Eli and MOP)] -
- [apparently everyone now know's who Splodge is if you don't click here] -
- [People] -
- [Crush (click me)] -
- [A evil power forms, and hatches from an egg�] -
- [Mop's last words] -
- ["Clone Sion�] -
- [Cell does a power cloning process] -
- [Suddenly out of nothingness ashado apears] -
- [A note to the survivers on the opposite side!] -
- ["Come on!] -
- ["Surrender to the SCO!"] -
- [Swords combine] -
- [Before MOP had a chance to totaly distroy Cell�] -
- [3 figures apear to join the SCO!] -
- [Sally the Snowflake] -
- [The Video Game Adventure] -
- [ENCO join it if you are NOT a cursor] -
- [just remember MOP and MOP jr. are killed so there is no GTT what so ever] -
- [But lukely there is some one else who's here that is related to MOP] -
- [Hahahahahahaaaaaa!!] -
- [They combine again] -
- [!7 destroys all andriods but 18.] -
- [MOP's sword vibrates w/ a message from the androids!] -
- [Hey Walter!] -
- [Suddenly robotic parts from an unknown force pull together�] -
- [Mop is now a nevise reck!] -
- [Mop is hard at work to create something w/ enough energy to destroy Cell!] -
- [All the things we have been through!] -
- [sorry] -
- [~~( )�>] -
- [ ] -
- [Cell can i own Eli cyborge i think he will LOVE to met my other Evil robot Eli's I made] -
- [YES!] -
- [After the dust cloud clears:] -
- ["Sion�] -
- [Well, This is Nice... (MOP click here!)] -
- [List of happenings] -
- [Mop finaly uses his invention] -
- [Cell is sitting on his thrown when he sences a power coming toward the castle.] -
- [ ] -
- [Im the next fighter] -
- [A note to everyone] -
- [OK! Who is ready?] -
- [What have we become?] -
- [Question...] -
- [A little story to work on...] -
- [One more thing...] -
- [Eli is making a Good people-bernaater 5000] -
- [Im going back in time more of "the old posts"] -
- [list of happenings] -
- [How to make a water stone:] -
- [Shade Knight does character impressions] -
- [Shade Knight is going insane!] -
- [The next List of Happenings] -
- [Why Yes] -
- [It would Appear that no one cares if I Kill myself... (Except Sion)] -
- [Im killing my self for how bad i've been] -
- [Calamity Eli only Haunts NEVER ENDING TALE] -
- [it seems tat MOP will fight again!] -
- [Shade, Don't kill yourself!] -
- [I got an Idea] -
- [Shade Knight attacks MOP!] -
- [Question...] -
- [List of Happenings] -
- [Shade, I don't need a battle�] -
- [Shade Knight Attacks Sion!] -
- [List of happenings] -
- [Sion is dead! for the first time since MOP destroyed Cell(Whoever Cell is), The GTT is at peace!] -
- [Okayyyy. We have peace.] -
- [I need help! Sion is too powerful!] -
- [Shade Knight becomes The Highlander!] -
- [Eli's ghost finely finds HEAVEN] -
- [hello My name is Sion Malfoy] -
- [Sion Malfoy's first 'lovely' tale!! :-)] -
- [List of happenings...] -
- [Question for the new Sion...] -
- [HEY!! the Old Sion!! click here!!] -
- [NOW Eli comes to life again!! as a ZOMBIE!!] -
- [Lukely Eli turns back to a good boy again.... :-)] -
- [asdf] -
- [asdf] -
- [test2] -
- [when I worte this it was 8:27 on Friday, October the 13th!] -
- [when I wrote this it was 8:27 on Friday, October the 13th!] -
- [Im going to tell my secret!!] -
- [HI!!! I'm new around here] -
- [Hello!!] -
- [Im leaving now!!] -
- [im leaving here for good!!] -
- [Question...] -
- [What's Harry Potter doing here(Hiding from "You Know Who", I suppose...)?] -
- [Nobody is on here much on the weekends, huh?] -
- [Hello?] -
- [YES!!!!!!!!!] -
- [Im leaving a bit more early than i planed] -
- [hahahahaha!!] -
- [The secret world of Escarga] -
- [this is NOT my idea of fun] -
- ['bye' says Harry in a wimpy voice] -
- [<bdy BGcolor=black text=white>] -
- [<body BGColor=red text=white>] -
- [The Demsion of The Grave Yard] -
- [my secret why i left right after the celebrities came on the site] -
- [aw!! oh,great!! Shade Night told us to write about Peacful stuff!! so that means.......] -
- [MOP click here] -
- [Since Eli Discover he is 1/2 man and 1/2 robot he makes himself better] -
- [Any good Androids around?] -
- [Question: what does GTT stand for? ] -
- [since I'm A Andriod I'm changing my name to: Andriod E.J.B.] -
- [The new GTT is HERE!] -
- [MOP's Bad News] -
- [<body BGcolor=black text=white>] -
- [Hello] -
- [MOP's Team Rocket motto] -
- [I have returned!] -
- [Welcome Back!] -
- [The Parent Trap] -
- [The Parrot Trap] -
- [A Couple of Questions . . .] -
- [A Shadow apears in the distence] -
- [Smile Big] -
- [Why am I Chewing on my Knees?] -
- [I have a funny feeling�] -
- [Shade Knight�] -
- [Halloween] -
- [What is everyone gonna be for halloween?] -
- [Ye Shall Forever] -
- [Cell is Back?] -
- [WiSh GrAnTeD MOP] -
- ["I have eaten 23! now all thats lef is my other slf and 21!] -
- [This is a nice, normal story to give people a break from all the stupid fighting] -
- [18 slowly uncovers herself from the burned building�] -
- [Hey] -
- [Hey Katherine] -
- ["I'm eating everyone!] -
- [Cell has found 18] -
- [Good-Bye!] -
- ["OH, Ratz] -
- [since its halloween soon Im going to tell you about some famous haunted houses/sitess] -
- [In the Case of Cell eating me Im going to leave] -
- [hey you the Jerk named cell] -
- ['Eli created me!!I have more Power than Cell and Im also bigger'] -
- [INTJ is back as 23!!!! yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] -
- [this clone thing is nearly Impossible!!] -
- [hey Do ya want A sneak Preview of the book my mums writing??] -
- [Eli's First Text-movie ] -
- ["I have eaten everyone, but my only hope to be the stongest, it is time to destoy this site once����] -
- [Ashley lights a match in cell ] -
- [Everybody's got to get Pokemon Gold and/or Silver!!!!!!!] -
- [It's Halloween] -
- ["I'm the most powerful king of the GTT!] -
- [Hey Daniel!!!] -
- ["You guys are BORING ME !!!!!!!] -
- [Cell's Story] -
- [Oh Cell?! Aren't you forgetting someone?] -
- [You are not unstopable yet!] -
- [Another battle finished, thank God...] -
- [Mathew Roberts click here] -
- ["Oh MOP�] -
- [Cell is dead (I hope)!] -
- [Returning once again] -
- [Ashley is alive!] -
- [Who let the dogs out?!] -
- [Finaly!] -
- [Ashy in Tokoyo] -
- [For the first time, Shade has a chance to rest!] -
- [I would Like to Introduce My friend Matt!!!!!!!!] -
- [A dire prediction...] -
- [So te storm coes] -
- [The Legend... The Boys...] -
- [2 figures come as the storm gets ever closer�] -
- [earthling MOP] -
- [A Special Letter to all!] -
- [21] -
- [Another Figure Appears when the storm is on] -
- [you hear a 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..bbbbbbbrrrrrzzzzzzzzz...ggggggghhhuiiiii'] -
- [Since I, Super Cyber Cursor Girl ate MOP, Im now going to Turn back to Normal] -
- [Eli Climbs out of the Porth hole] -
- [Eli is going to let out a couple of secrets] -
- [The chanlange] -
- [Jedi Master Returns! (But not the way you'd expect...)] -
- [Ok! you want a challange?] -
- [To alien...] -
- [Criss Shaffer! Click here] -
- [Eli] -
- [Thanks Ya] -
- [OK!] -
- [try and figure the code] -
- [Question......] -
- [I won't be here for halloween ] -
- [Another storm is Coming I got It from my storm Detector] -
- [The saga continues] -
- [Shade] -
- [The storm Is geting closer!!!] -
- [SSSsswwirrrlllllll] -
- [Im leaving and Im Abandoning My Lab!!!] -
- [hallo!!!!] -
- [hey DJM] -
- [So the storm leaves�] -
- [Eli climbs Out of the porth hole] -
- [why am I Chewing On my Fingers??] -
- [who seen Mary Popins??] -
- [Dark Jedi appears again!] -
- [Mag: C'mere phantom!!] -
- [The Phantom slides down An Elevator string using his Guns] -
- [Mag:HHAAHHAA!!] -
- [Eli's eyes go wide ] -
- [DJM click here] -
- [Freaks and Geeks] -
- [You can all lend a hand] -
- [Mag click here] -
- [ha!!] -
- [boring...] -
Created by Anonymous on Nov 05 2000
[Neverending Tale] --
[The Stacks] --
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