"Mogdor must have found you," Twilanach says when she
regains her voice, "If you're back and you don't remember me, he
must have gotten you."
"Mogdor?" You ask, feeling a headache coming on, "Who
is that?" For a second, the elven girl looked like she was going
to break down again, but instead you admired how she pulled herself
"I don't think I am the right person to explain everything to
you, Alkenton knows more than I do, you confided everything to
him." Oh dear, another person you are probably going to forget
and disappoint.
"I trust you, I need to know what is going on." She nods,
wipes at her face one more time, and leads you down a trail you hadn't
noticed before. She was balancing a basket on her hip and you are
tempted to ask what is inside, but her lips were still pursed and she
seemed to be trying not to cry again.
In an attempt to let her keep her dignity you let Twilanach cry while
staring at a nearby tree. Luckily the mystery of how you know the
three different types of trees surrounding you keeps you busy enough.