You finally manage to make the feeble words, "I don't wamp
to." (It's hard to talk with those burned lips!) "I don't
wamp to take the champs."
"I understand," the fireman says. "But trust me. I'm
You think for a minute, then nod your head. "OK. I'll chry it
again. But ip I get burned again, I'll bwame it on you!
"Yes," the fireman says, grinning at your problem talking.
You pucker your lips and lean forward, but inside of a sympathetic
fireman's dry lips, you feel...
kiss the fireman. You lean forward, and your lips just barely touch
his, but still, you leap back, screeching in pain. The fireman looks
sympathetic and seems to turn himself inside out, becoming a regular
human being. "Now, whoever you are, you can kiss me."